Dog Growing poem

WALT: identify syllables 

Success criteria:

Choose an Animal: I picked an animal that has one beat (syllable) in its name

Count the Beats: Each line of my poem has one more beat (syllable) than the line before.

Make It Make Sense: My poem tells a little story or describes my animal in a fun way.

Check My Beats: I counted the beats in each line to make sure they are right.


We have been learning  about Maramataka. Maramataka is showing it is a good time do different activities. The Maori people used it, it is about the moon. I chose Mawharu. it is good for eeling, fishing, gardening and catching crayfish.

We made dioramas. I used paint, clay, cardboard and sticks to make it.

I found it easy making the clay whare, I like making dioramas.